Cowboy bebop spike gun
Cowboy bebop spike gun

cowboy bebop spike gun

Spike's showdown with Andy in Cowboy Funk definitely qualifies.Earlier she shows off her Improbable Aiming Skills by shooting the gun out of the hands of half a dozen goons in a dimly lit Bad-Guy Bar.Faye holding a gun to a perp's head in Waltz For Venus.and then there's the ending, which is too awesome for words. The whole episode could be considered one from Faye cheating Jet out of all of his clothing in a game of dice, to Spike cooking with a flamethrower, to the lobster scene and beyond for an episode that's out of the norm for Bebop, it's amazing how well everything works.The refrigerator in this episode deserves its own place here for having an entire ecosystem inside it.Spike's facial expressions through said failure just make it more awesome. The episode Toys in the Attic features the most awesome failure to light a cigarette in the history of mankind.Doohan's surprise launch of a re-built space shuttle Columbia is even more impressive considering this is his only appearance.Ein gets another one in Brain Scratch by subtly implying what a Data Dog can really do.Although admittedly this is after Ed has tricked the rest of the crew into eating some of the bad mushrooms and getting completely spaced out on them. Ed and Ein also have their day, chasing down a mushroom smuggler.Spike however, keeps his calm and notices an escape hatch for the two to climb through. In Cowboy Funk when Spike and Andy are both trapped inside an elevator that Teddy Bomber has rigged and the two both out-gambiting each other by rigging the escape controls, thus giving Teddy Bomber the advantage, Andy clearly starts to panic.They all attack at once, and he is able to avoid blows from behind him by dodging and weaving in between the members of the group. He handily mops the floor with them, but the best part is that there is no Mook Chivalry. Not only do they outnumber him, but they all have weapons in the form of some sort of industrial tool. When they piss him off by calling him "Vicious," first he punches a huge dent in a nearby metal pipe, then he takes a flying leap into the center of the group. 1 when he beats up half a dozen mooks on Callisto. Pretty much all of Spike's martial arts fight scenes are awesome, but the best is definitely in Jupiter Jazz, Pt.To put this into perspective: Spike takes on the entire mafia group that he was once part of, including Vicious, and wins! If not for the fact that he had a bleeding eye and a useless arm by the time he reached Vicious, there is zero doubt that Spike would've owned him.And of course, everyone remembers the final scene.Unluckily for Pierrot, the mad scientists that designed his bullet-shield didn't account for something relatively slow-moving: and luckily for Spike, it's a One-Hit KO. This gives Spike a chance to hurl a knife, which is his final, last-ditch, die-fighting effort against a superhuman who's been thrashing him and has him at gun's point. Spike has a fake eye that gives him the appearance of heterochromia: one of the people that supervised Pierrot's torturous engineering carried a cat with the same condition, and this brings on a sudden Villainous BSoD. Spike wins through a combination of non-stop determination, and the villain's psychological and technological weaknesses.An all out Immune to Bullets Super Villain in a fairly realistic show vs.

cowboy bebop spike gun cowboy bebop spike gun

Spike doesn't even hesitate, and without bothering to reply he puts a bullet right in the middle of the mook's forehead while the mook is in the middle of threatening him. One of the mooks stands behind Faye with a gun to her head, telling Spike to drop his gun. In the 5th episode, where Vicious killed Spike's one-time mentor and took teammate Faye hostage.Even the live-action version wisely decided that this was one element that had to be included as part of the adaptation.

#Cowboy bebop spike gun series#

  • You can't talk about the awesomeness of this series without first mentioning its iconic intro sequence, which has been homaged and parodied several times by other works.
  • As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy.

    Cowboy bebop spike gun